Sunday, May 3, 2009

Best day of the year

Yeah so today is my birthday, pretty awesome. I didn't really do much, ate at Olive Garden which is delicious. I'm certainly no expert, but I think this whole Swine Flu thing is being blown out of proportion. If you follow President Obama at all, he says we should act quickly, which I agree with. I hear he plans to spend plenty of our taxpayer dollars to get the meds out to the country, and these meds can effectivly treat it. Which might not be entirely neccacary, because from what I read its not much worse than the flu. I bet by the time 2010 rolls around, more people will have died from the flu then the DEADLY swine flu. One of Obama's youtube videos explained the things you should do to prevent it: stay home if your sick, wash your hands, and cover your mouth when you cough, etc. (sounds a little bit like flu, right?) I mean it would have been better to post this last week, because it has settled a little bit.
And, My sister rocks.

Is the Swine Flu deadly, or diddly. (found the word diddly in the thesaurus) 
along with wikipedia, (yeah crappy source, thats why i had others), and articles from USA Today's and The New York Times' websites.

and feel free to email with opinions or cited corrections

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