Saturday, May 23, 2009

To jailbreak ipod touch 2g

First, make sure you ipod has 2.2.1 (the most recent) firmware. If it doesn't, update it in itunes.
Next, put it in DFU mode.
1. Plug it in to your computer
2.Turn on your iPod
3. Hold the power and home buttons down (the iPod will power off after 10 seconds, but keep holding those buttons down)
4.After the iPod powers off, release the power button (but keep holding the home button down)
5.After a couple more seconds, you should hear that magical “ding dong” that means the iPod is coming back alive, and that Windows has detected it. You may even see a little “New hardware” popup in Windows. It is now safe to release the home button, and your iPod is in DFU mode.
6. It won't show anything on the ipod screen, but once your computer detects it, it is DFUed

Now download redsn0w:

Run that file, and it should just be a big black box. If it says DFUed ipod detected (or somthing like that), it is ready to go. Press enter, and let it work some magic.
Once your ipod is done doing everything, it should boot up and you should have a jailbroken ipod, with cydia!
Email me if you have any questions

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