Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some things for you

So so tonight I signed up for this free one year trial of Onlive, this pretty cool gaming concept. If you are unfamiliar, check out their site: here. I'm actually pretty excited, even if I'm only trying demos and whatnot right away (the free stuff) it should be pretty fun. And with their micro-console coming soon, "onlive" may actually become a legit gaming system. With all of the new games coming out, and technology rising, all you have to do is let them update their servers, and you have an upgraded console! And they have shown that there is support for the same service via mobile, (ipod touch?!) you can take the same games everywhere. I really like the concept, I just don't think I have the money to pay for the $5 a month plus games. Someday though.
So before I talk about an article in Popular Science, I should talk about its iPad app. I have been kind of dying to try it out, but I don't know where to get myself an iPad with it. I like the concept of the really big screen to do things like read a magazine or watch a movie. Toying with them at Best Buy I really begin to appreciate the big screen. It is a lot more fun to do multi-touch things with that huge screen. On to this article. The overall theme of the issue this month was green ideas that could make our country (or others) energy-independent. I found some repeating ideas, some interesting, all of them innovative and great, but one of them really stood out. The idea was to make a replacement to standard asphalt roads. The replacement: Solar panels. Now of course you think you can't drive on glass. But it explains that the surfaces are being tested to find one that could support even the biggest trucks. It also adds features like LED lights that function as the paint and can be changed, self cleaning and self melting, and maybe others. I loved the concept and the staggering fact that if every road was made out of this, that the US would produce more energy then it uses. Check out a better description here.
In other news, I have a very nice new setup in my room, with the bluetooth keyboard and my mouse beautifully setup so I can comfortably use my computer.

For anybody who reads this- if you have a tech-related question that you want me to check out, or even anything you know or feel like sharing, leave a comment or email me. I'm always looking for interesting things.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quickie for anybody who cares

So today my really cool bluetooth keyboard came. I just ordered it on Monday, so it was really surprising to see it there today. It is made of silicone, and is really flexible. So i can easily store it places and i really don't have to worry about breaking it. I am also typing with it right now, on my ipod. That is the reason i got it, to use thte thing with my ipod. I can type in a flash. It should be really usefull next year for school, to take notes and whatnot on because it is so much easier then writing, and twice as fun. So that concludes this blog, I really now have no excuse not to blog more seeing that i have this flashy new keyboard. I might post pics later from my computer, the iPod doesn't take pictures (yet...)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch