Tuesday, October 6, 2009

To Jailbreak: Revised

OK so I realized my directions were not to straightforward. So I am going to make them that way. This can be done with any device, other than the "new" ipod touch. So if you got it in the last month, don't use this method. It works with iphones too.

1) Figure out what your device is, and what firmware it is running. Your ipod is a 2g if it has a speaker, a 1g if it doesn't.
A) on your ipod/iphone, go to settings, then general, then about, and in there there is something that says version. It should be either 2.2.1, 3.0, or 3.1.1.
Whichever it is, remember it.
B) If it is 3.1.1, as of now, you cannot be jailbroken, so check back here later
C) Go to this site: http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/
and on the bottom part, find your device, and your firmware you just discovered. Once you have it selected, click download. This may take awhile. Remember/know where it downloaded

2) Download redsnow here: http://www.box.net/shared/r9rgh784b7
3) Run redsnow with your ipod/iphone plugged in.
A) On the first step, there is a browse button. Click it, and find the firmware you downloaded in part 1c
4) Follow the rest of the steps, exactly how they read, and make sure the box entitled "install cydia" is checked.
5) Wait, and soon you should have a jailbroken ipod/iphone!

Feel free to email me with any specific questions.

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